The OT Assessment process consists of:
A parent interview where we get a full developmental history and find out what your concerns are.
The assessment occurs over 1 or 2 sessions with the child, where the OT uses standardised and non-standardised tests as well as clinical observations to determine a baseline of your child's abilities.
Feedback session with the parents where you receive a report and where the OT takes time to explain the assessment outcomes and a plan of action for the way forward.

Treatment sessions are tailor made for each child and their needs.
Sessions occur on a weekly basis and are either 30, 45 or 60 minutes long depending on what the child requires and what they are able to tolerate.
We use a holistic, client-centered approach, so your child's therapy session is specifically designed for their needs and abilities.
Occupational Therapists use PLAY to achieve your child's goals. So, get ready to have fun!

Sensory Integration
Sensory Integration is the ability to receive, sort, process and make use of information originating from the body and the environment and perceived by our senses.
The senses include Touch, Sight, Smell, Hearing, Taste, Gravity, Body Position and Movement.
This sensory information goes to the brain, where it's organized and interpreted. We then form a plan of action that allows us to have an adaptive response appropriate for the environmental demands.
The main principle of Sensory Integration Therapy is providing planned and controlled sensory input so that an adaptive reposes is elicited, resulting in learning and improved integration of sensory and associated neural pathways.

Developmental Screenings
We offer 15 minute Developmental Screenings that can be done if you have identified 'red flags' in your child, but are unsure whether they require an OT assessment and/or intervention.
We are also available to conduct Developmental Screenings at schools.

Home Programmes
Strategies, Activities and/or Home Programmes are provided, dependending on the child's needs. This allows for carry over of skills from the OT sessions to the home/school.